The website ( lists following as achievements:
- 6,00,000 child labour mobilised out of work and into fulltime, formal, government day schools.
- 50,000 child labourers have been put through Bridge Course Camps and 30,000 Education Activists mobilized to liberate children.
- 80,000 youth volunteers and members of CRPF protect child rights.
- 25,000 adolescent girls in schools and 8000 child marriages stopped.
- 1500 Gram Panchayats are child labour free.
- 1500 Gram Panchayats review child rights through the health and
- education subcommittees.
- 50,000 children mainstreamed to formal schools through RBCs.
- 25,000 bonded labour released and sent to schools.
- All Children must attend full-time formal-day schools.
- Any child out of school is a child labourer.
- All labour is hazardous,and harms the overall growth and development of the child.
- There must be total abolition of child labour.
- Any justification perpetuating the existence of child labour must be condemned.
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